Emotional growth can be slow and, at times, go unrecognised, so in this exercise, children are encouraged to think about and celebrate the ways that they have grown emotionally, and to set a goal (or goals) for how they’d like to continue this emotional growth in 2022.
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. This year's theme is Growing Together, which is all about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow.
Emotional growth can be slow and, at times, go unrecognised, so in this exercise, children are encouraged to think about and celebrate the ways that they have grown emotionally, and to set a goal (or goals) for how they’d like to continue this emotional growth in 2022.
Talking points for this activity:
In Superheroes Don’t Get Scared... Or Do They? Maisie learns that it’s perfectly okay to be scared, and that facing those fears can help you grow your inner superhero. From this we learn that superheroes are brave, kind and resilient... but so are we!
Can we each think of one example of a time when we have...
... been kind. Perhaps you have helped out at home or school, looked after a friend, or even helped someone else grow their inner superhero?
... been brave. Perhaps you have tried something new, done something even though it frightened you, or been brave when you’ve been hurt or ill? And remember being scared can be a big part of being brave!
... kept going even when it was tricky or things went wrong. Learning from our mistakes, or overcoming challenges, can be when the most growth happens. If we gave up as soon as something went wrong, we wouldn’t learn much in life! Perhaps you kept getting back on your bike when you fell off, kept trying at school when you found something hard, or didn’t give up when you found a new skill difficult.
Download the free PDF of this activity below, and don't forget to tag me if you share your finished activity on social media! You can find me @writes_kate on Twitter and @katethompsonwrites on Instagram.