Encourage children to think about and celebrate the ways that they have shown empathy, and to set a goal (or goals) for how they’d like to continue to grow their empathy superpower this year.
Have you ever wished that you could have an amazing superpower like the heroes we see in books, comics and movies? While we may never be able to fly or shoot lasers from our eyes, there IS one superpower that everyone can learn… the power of empathy.
In this exercise, children are encouraged to think about and celebrate the ways that they have used their empathy superpower, and to set a goal (or goals) for how they’d like to continue to boost their empathy superpower in 2022.
Talking points for this activity:
In Superheroes Don't Get Scared Maisie discovers that everyone feels scared sometimes, even superheroes, but that with a little help from those around us, we can all find the courage to take steps to face our fears. From this we learn that superheroes are brave, kind and resilient... but so are we!
Can we each think of one example of a time when we have...
... used our supervision to see the world through someone else's eyes. Perhaps, like Maisie, you noticed that one of your friends was feeling scared and you offered them a helping hand?
... used our superhearing to listen to others. Perhaps you noticed that someone was being left out, or looking sad and asked them if they were okay?
Now, can we each think of ways that we can grow our empathy superpower even more? Reading books can be a great way to start... which book would you choose? Can you think of any other ideas?
Download the free PDF of this activity below.